Thursday, October 13, 2011

[free] college fair

 A few days ago I attended the college fair at College of Alameda. I have been many times before, but this one is probably the most important. As I went to these with my sister a couple years ago, I never realized how important it was to find the right fit for you. She would ask all these questions wondering about all the majors, diversity, how big of a school they were and more. I would stand there and listen, but thought they were questions just to get to know the school. But a couple days ago I was the one asking questions to all the different types of schools trying to figure out where I want to go. It’s an exciting adventure that most of us will take, but it didn’t really hit me until recently when I started doing my college applications. 

I’ve thought about playing basketball in college, what I may want to major in, but it’s still all up in the air. I love doing many different things, and have learned to manage my time with a sport all year around. But as I continue watching my sister go through college, it is a big change. You have to adapt to a new environment, a different schedule, professors, leaving class early, eating lunch on your own time and more. And on top of that if I play a sport, it would be a lot more work. Weights in the morning, class, practice, study, and do it all over again the next day. Now I love the game of basketball, but I also want to experience the opportunity of college and what it’s going to be like, not just play basketball all the time. It’s all so stressful and it all hit me recently, but in the end it will all be worth it. 

All of these thoughts have been coming at me for the past couple of days. Just standing in front of the college booths with my mom made me realize that college is just around the corner. It seemed like this day was so far away, but it has finally come. And now that a lot of seniors are stressing over getting their college applications in, we will all accomplish it soon and be waiting to see where we get into in a few months. The journey will continue on and it is going to be a different roller coaster ride for everyone. And for me, it will just open up a new chapter in my life to experience and cherish for we only live once.

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