Thursday, October 20, 2011

[re] selfishness

“The world doesn't revolve around a single person, and we never know the full story. There may very well be a reason behind the actions of a person.”
This quote is from Marissa’s post about a seminar that she attended. I love this post. I definitely agree with her on this. I think that all of us have judged someone or have gotten upset or mad at someone when you thought they were being mean or rude to you, but they really did have something to do, or somewhere to go. We never realize that they may have something more important because we think about ourselves and what we want. We need to try and think of what position they are in and that they may need to help someone else out, or take a break for themselves first. Even though it may seem selfish of them because they are taking a break for themselves, they may be having a hard time or had a bad week. We will never know unless we think about them too.

I think as we all begin to mature, we will look at life a little differently. We will see how important others are and sometimes we need to step out of our way and sacrifice something for our friend. No one will ever have a perfect life, but that is why we have friends. They have made sacrifices for us, so we should do the same. We need to figure out ourselves first and see the way we want to look at life. I think once we do this, we can see the other side of the story. To see what others are going through and try and fix or help them out as well as ourselves. It’s a hard thing to do, but we can’t always be so selfish and only think about what we want. We need to look at the different perspectives and learn the meaning of life and how it impacts us and others around us.  

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