Thursday, October 13, 2011

[re] traveling the world

One of my biggest goals in life is to travel around the world.[…] Another reason why I want to travel the globe is because I love scenery. If I have a good view in front of me, I can easily clear my mind, it gives me a moment of peace. It enables me to get away from my world and think about my life.

This is from Kevin Jang’s blog, where he is really inspired to travel when he grows up. He wants to travel the world and to experience different lifestyles and cultures. I also would love to travel the world when I grow up. I would like to go to most, if not all, of the states, as well as at least a few other countries. If I could I would also devote a time where I could just spend time traveling, but who knows what is going to happen in the future. Being able to see how others live would be an amazing experience and definitely eye opening for me. 

I have been to a few different states like New York, Florida, Oregon, and Washington, and have been to Japan a couple times, but I if I could spend time in each place for a week or so, would be unimaginable. It would let me explore the planet that we live on and show me the daily lives of others. We all see how we live and what lifestyles we have, but how are our lives different from peoples on the east coast, or on the other side of the world?

It would also give me a chance to get away from my daily lifestyle. It would open my mind up and have me thinking of them, not so much about me and what is happening around me. it would give me a time to reflect and explore, while visiting other cities. All in all, it would be a life changing experience. 

This is part of the reason why I would like to study abroad when I go to college. Not so much to get away, but to study in a different atmosphere and learn how their classes are and how they live their lives every day. It would give me a different perspective on life. For instance in Japan students are very studious, and study for many hours a day. They ride bikes almost everywhere they go, and take their shoes off when entering a building. They eat sitting on the floor, and more importantly, speak a whole different language. There are so many differences between the people around us now, which means there are millions of differences between one of us, and a person across the world. And being able to compare and contrast myself with someone else would be a dream come true and a life changing experience.

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