Thursday, September 29, 2011

[FREE] escape reality

Have you ever wished you could escape from reality for a while? If things could be better than how they are now at least for awhile? Maybe not have the perfect life, but just be free and do what you want. In a way this can seem selfish because compared to other people’s lives we have it nice. We are able to get a good education, have a home, and well, get the necessities in order to survive. But even if we could just escape and relocate for a little bit can seem nice at times.

You can say I can sometimes overreact on some situations or over think some. But some days I feel lost. Like I really don’t belong here. I know this can sound childish, but some can be very selfish, and not try and understand where someone else is coming from. And at times, moving away and starting fresh seems like the best solution. We don’t have the unity in the world because selfishness comes into play. We can feel down and sad, but many times people will compare you to someone else. In some situations this is the right thing to do, but in some cases, we have problems where we just need a hand. Someone to be there for us to lean on. 

I guess we all have new chapters in our lives, where we move on and overcome an obstacle. Most of us find that friend that you can turn to for anything and will listen to all your problems that you have, even if they are the littlest things. But we can all can get caught in the moment and get stuck on something that we know we can move on from. But that is the time where we want to get away and be alone, or run away with a friend for awhile. To live our lives out loud so we can paint our own reality. Not paint our dreams or nightmares, but start fresh and new. To just escape from our own reality.  

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