Friday, September 23, 2011

[CE] another disaster

“Roke is expected to heap more misery on a country that has been lashed by natural disasters this year.
Earlier this month, Typhoon Talas slammed into central Japan, killing around 100 people in the deadliest storm to hit the country for over 30 years.”

One of my other posts talked about the disaster that happened to Japan that damaged the nuclear power plants located in Fukushima. But I was unaware of the typhoon that was heading toward Japan. This article mentioned that at least four have died, and two missing from this new incident. It is sad to know that a typhoon has hit Japan flooding a large part of it. Workers have been working to control the nuclear plants, and now rain is falling on all of the work that they have done.
Now I know I talked about how disastrous the earthquake was in my other post, but having to see this hit me to realize that Japan is going to have to work harder to recover back from all these disasters that have come their way. It is like getting stabbed twice. No one would ever imagine something like this happening to them, especially when they were recovering fairly well from the incident that happened before. Now many have evacuated from their homes because the flooding is terrible.
I guess to me this is another realization. Workers have built their way up to where they were, a disaster hit, and now they have to start over. For me, it is like my life can start over. No, it’s not exactly the same, but I’ve made mistakes before that I wish I could “destroy” and wish it never happened. In some way or another, Japan will be able to recover from all these disasters and hopefully nothing too major will happen to them for awhile. And for me, it’s a new year, to enjoy and make the best of it. We can all at least try and make the best out of every situation and learn from the mistakes that we have made.

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