Thursday, September 15, 2011

[free] the little things.

It’s all about the little things. We sometimes overlook the things that make us who we are and what makes up put a smile on our face. From a sport, to school, to friends, to just everyday life, we can all pass by the little things that happen to us. It doesn’t always have to be about appreciating them, but actually makes you realize how lucky we really are.  
Have you ever thought about how wonderful it is to push the button for the elevator and it is already there? Or to get off the airplane after a long flight? These so called little things make us happy and smile even though it only had a very small effect on us. We don’t really think about how nice it is to have all the socks match after they come out of the dryer or how fun it is to pop the bubble wrap when you get a package. We sometimes feel as if life is bringing us down, and we are all going to fall apart, but these things just help remind us that the little things in life are what make us. They make us smile and stop for a moment to enjoy what really just happened. So we should enjoy life, and make the best out of every situation because the smallest things can mean the world. Enjoy the simple moments we have for they only happen so often now a days. Be happy when you get two drinks out of the vending machine even though you paid for one, and when you step outside and smell the fresh air or newly cut grass because these things truly are awesome.


  1. Some person announcing their love for another every time said person sees the other person?

  2. Excellent advice. I will make a point of testing it out today, especially since I'm in a bad mood. This should help.
