Thursday, September 15, 2011

[R.E.] who am i?

It's amazing how people change over 4 quick years. I'm sure I've changed in almost every aspect, no matter how much I want to tell myself that I am the same old Adam. Only recently have I thought that it's okay to change and not retain the same "you". I used to hold this pride in the fact that I could see everyone else change before my eyes, yet in my own biased opinion I was relatively the same.
Change. I used to feel the same way as Adam did about change. I used to think it wasn’t a good thing to change because I never wanted to change. I wanted to be me, and if someone didn’t like me, then they didn’t like me. But now that I have noticed multiple changes in myself, and realized that it’s not about what people think, but how each of us are growing every day.

Over my life time so far, I have lost friends, made friends, fought with close ones, and helped some in need. I have found different interests that I enjoy, and continued to get a deeper passion in the things that I love. I have grown as a person as well, realizing who I am, and adjusting to my life. We need to accept each other for which they are, not how they look or talk. Because even though our personalities may change a little, or our style may alter, we are still the same. As Adam says, we still retain the same “you” just in a better form.
So change isn’t necessarily a bad or good thing. It’s life. We all somehow change with our life time. And it’s not something to hold against someone because we need to learn who we are as a person. In some ways people can change for the worse, but maybe that is them figuring out who they are. You never know what kind of changes people are going to make, so as much as we don’t want to change, and be someone else, we will. And for me, now that I look back, I accept change because it will just be a new chapter of my life. Everyday people question each other about who they are, so we need to live our lives out and accept the changes that are made within ourselves. Because everything changes, and nothing will remain without change.

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