Thursday, September 8, 2011

[free] first for everything.

My first blog for everyone to see, and it is kind of...exciting. Some of you had Mr. Sutherland before, and know his teaching style and what he does in class. I know many people wanted to get into his class and would do anything to transfer in, so I am very excited to see what is to come. I think it will be an experience to blog because I’ve never thought of doing something like this before. Now is the experience going to be a good one or a bad one, well, I guess i will find out soon.

So since it is the beginning of the school year, and my first blog, I guess I will start of by saying a little bit about myself. My name is Alison Takagaki, and I am full Japanese. Basketball is my life, and always will be. I’ve been playing ever since i was about 6 years old, and I never tried to play a different sport other than basketball. I am trying to play in college, but whatever happens, happens. This is just a little bit about me, and what i like to do.

Before i end my first blog, i am looking forward to seeing what the year brings and write about current events happening in my life and the world around us. I am also interested in what everyone has to say about what is going on and learn more about all of you. For all the seniors, its the beginning of the end, so let’s live our lives out and enjoy the time we have left with each other. No regrets, just keep living like there is no tomorrow. And there is always a first for everything, and as Lucille Ball said, “I’d rather regret the things I’ve done than regret the things I haven’t done.”


  1. haha, thank you for the warm welcome.

  2. This is a nice opener. It sounds like your attitude about our class is very open-minded and adventurous, which means you are much more likely to have fun and learn tons of unexpected stuff. :)

    Do you speak Japanese? (I used to, but have forgotten more than I remember.)
