Thursday, September 8, 2011

[C.E.] it only takes a day.

"That one bad thing, i witnessed it and it was horrible, but it put me on this other career path and now because of that experinece that i had i go to work everyday and i talk to local emergency managers about how they can plan for their communities. i know why it is im doing what im doing and i know that i wouldnt be in this profession and doing what im doing had 9/11 never happened."

An actor changing his whole career path because of one day. Unbelivable. Andrew Phelps never knew his life was going to change this dramatically until he witnessed the twin towers crashing down before his eyes. He woke up to this and wanted to help save lives so badly that he snuck into ground zero to help clean up. As others asked him if he was an EMT, he could only say he was an actor, and help clean up the damage that was made. But that was a life changing event. He went back to school to train and work for a station in New Mexico and said he would never have done this if it werent for 9/11.

This video was mind blowing to me. Many innocent people died on 9/11, but many people changed for the better to try and help the community out. There are many jobs out in our world that will sacrifice their lives for us. And we all need to take some time to remember this, and thank those for their duty. Also i think people have a different perspective on life after this event. Some appreciate their life more, and some like Phelps, changed their job because of this incident.

This can relate back to our lives as well. Just because we were about 7 years old when this event happened doesnt mean we cant learn from it. Even though some of us may not have been aware of what it was then, we know that it will be the 10th anniversary since it happened. Now what do you think of when you hear the word anniversary? When the word anniversary is said, it seems like a happy time. But this event could have altered some lives forever. So should people mourn on this day, or realize the differences and think of how lucky we are to be here?

Lastly something on this video caught my eye. The title of this video is "How 9/11 changed one man's life forever". But yet it has 15 likes and 20 dislikes. Just because there are wars in other places like Afghanistan and Iraq doesnt necessarly mean that we forget about 9/11. Just a thought to think about. I dont know what we should have done, or what we exactly should be doing right now. But now that we know that it happened and it probably will have an impact on us for at least a big part of our lives, maybe one of us can make a difference, and start something that could change the world forever.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I definitely agree with you on this. 9/11 could be argued as the most tragic and life-changing day in the (recent, at least)history of the U.S. Everything changed that day, and so many people were killed trying to save others. Those people should always be remembered.
