Friday, September 23, 2011

[RE] friendship

“These days, I find it really difficult to find any true friends. In order to have a legit friendship, one of the most important steps is trust.”
I can definitely agree and relate with Kristen and finding friendship. You think someone is your friend, but instead they backstab you, or tell someone else a secret you didn’t want anyone else to know. It’s hard to know when you can trust your “friend” because you don’t know if they are being true to you. So now the question is, when do you really know when you can trust someone?
For me, friends have come and gone. I do have some really close friends, but then I also have friends that say we are best friends when we hardly talk. Being friends with some people for a long time has shown me that I can trust some of them though. Maybe not about my whole life and every detail that happens, but when I need comfort, I know exactly who I can turn to. I think it is important to at least have a good friend to be able to turn to because things can occur in our lives and we sometimes just need someone to snap us out of the moment, or to calm us down and let us know that everything is alright.
I also have been a person to keep everything bottled up inside. I thought that my issues weren’t important to everyone else because everyone has problems in their lives. They have to deal with theirs, so I should deal with my own. But then as time went on, someone convinced me that keeping everything inside was just hurting me more, and making me sad. So I had to find that true friend that would tell me the truth and keep it real with me. All in all, it’s hard to find true friends. You never know who they truly are until you really get to know them, or they hurt you. I guess it’s part of life, but we just have to be careful and protect ourselves first.      

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