Wednesday, September 14, 2011

[B.C.] college essay...what?

As I ran as fast as I could, all I could hear was, “You can do it Alison.” “Just try your best.” “You will get it next time sweetie.” These phrases are what I heard from the sidelines when I was in first grade. I feel like basketball was a destiny for me. Like it was what I was meant to do. It is supposed to be my life. And ever since I was 6, it is all I have been doing. I have practice either every day, or almost every day. I play in tournaments on the weekends and still need to manage studying some time during the week or on the weekends. Juggling three different basketball teams has been my life and it is something I will never forget. But as each day passes by and I continue to grow as a person and a basketball player, mixed feelings go through my mind about what my future looks like.
The silence is where it all begins. It is peaceful and releases everything that is on my mind as I begin to put my shoes on. As I wipe the dust off my shoes, they begin to squeak as I stutter my feet a couple times. I then pick up my prized possession, my basketball, and listen to the echo that is makes each time I dribble it. As I continue to practice on my own, and use my imagination to drive by my opponent, I take a break. I look around the gym, my home, and realize this is where I have been playing for the past 3 years. This is my house, where we compete at every game that we are given. I go all out every game that comes our way, but is it for the now, or to prepare me for what is going to come later. I think to myself as I continue to work out and push myself to become better. This is my life, and I love doing what I do.
As the days go on and years pass me by, my sister is off to college. She is attending UOP, a private school in Stockton. As I move her in to her dorm, I think about how this will be me next year, and I could be playing for a college basketball team. This makes me wonder what it will be like when I start college and if I play basketball, how busy I will be. I have always compared myself to my sister, partially because i wanted to be just like her. I wanted to be the best student i could, as well as enjoy many differnet extra curriculars. So when all this went through my head, I started having second thoughts about playing the sport I love. Maybe it should just be a dream that won’t come true, and it is what is best for me. But then I think maybe playing will give me a break from school, to just get away and drop all the stress I have for a few hours of basketball. Decisions are what make growing up so difficult.
As I continue to come home by myself to an empty house, I wonder what my future will turn out to be. I do know that basketball has taught me many life lessons that I will cherish forever. It has taught me responsibility, to dedicate my time into basketball and not missing any practices or games. It taught me hard work and determination which also carried on into my school work. There are many more that I can name, but it has definitely made a difference on my life and how I view it. I am a stronger person now, and know that we have to make ourselves better, not get compared with someone else. We need to be true to ourselves and not let anyone else tell us otherwise. And most of all not let any adversity stop you from what your dreams are.

1 comment:

  1. Lots to say here. For now, a few quick comments at least:

    1. Both your first AND second paragraphs seem like good starting paragraphs, but with both in a row it feels like the essay starts, and then STARTS OVER. Think about switching order/organization around if you want to integrate both paragraphs, or you could also eliminate one and use the extra space to go into more/other details and development. Personally, I like the second paragraph as a starter myself; that sentence about silence is a stand-out opening if you ask me. Also the bits about gym=home, the first echoes of the b'ball bouncing...all these made me smile.

    2. "My sister has always been smarter than me" has got got got got to go. It's never good to put yourself down like that, especially in a college essay.
