Friday, September 23, 2011

[free] realization

I wasn’t quite sure what to write for my free post this week. This week it felt like the free post was too free. I can write about anything I want to, and so much happens in life, I guess there is just too much to choose from. I’m finally a senior, have settled down in all my classes now, and am starting to get used to not having my sister around. So I guess it’s to say, I’ve been reflecting about the past, and thinking about the future.
Senior year means college applications. It means that this is our last year walking through the orange hallways covered with blue lockers everywhere. It’s our last year to eat lunch with our friends every week and to just see everyone walking by in the hallways. Our chapter is coming to a close now, and we will all have to open a new book soon.
I guess you could say I’m in this phase of “realization”. This is going to be something really big for me because I’m a bigger and better person now. I realized that life goes on, and I just need to learn and move on. Because for me, if I dwell on the past, I will over think things. And since I already do over think things, it will just make matters worse for me. I realized who my true friends are, and who will truly be there for me in a time of need. Life can be amazing if we just live it and try not to control it. We can’t force ourselves to do anything, but sometimes life can get the best of us. We see everyone else being one way, and we want to be like them. But why? We are each unique in our own way, and that is how it should be.
This doesn’t mean that I can all of a sudden forgive and forget. Or can now just let go of the past. But I have realized that change is okay. It’s a part of life, and that I don’t have to be scared of. I’m learning more and more about myself, which will hopefully prepare me for college, and my life beyond that. It’s amazing how much someone can realize and learn about themselves over a short period of time. So I want to continue being who I am, and learning more about myself. I want this to be the best senior year possible, and make memories that I can remember forever.

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