Wednesday, September 14, 2011

[C.E.]swept away.

An ordinary day for one person may be a tragic one for another. As we live our lives, we don't think about the people that are suffering around the world, or the ones dying every second. And at times, we can get selfish, and only think of the problems that are happening to us. But we all need to take a step back, and realize at times, some disastrous event can happen, and our lives will change forever. Now this doesn’t mean that we all drop our problems and go rescue someone, but it’s just a wakeup call, to show what is going on around us too.

A few days ago was the 10th anniversary of 9/11, but it also has been 6 months from when the tsunami hit Japan. The 9.0 earthquake that triggered the massive tsunami 30 minutes later, damaged the community. Many people came back to give a moment of silence to the ones that lost their lives in this tragic incident. As I watched this clip, and listened to moment of silence they gave, it pierced my heart, for their community has been swept away and many can’t return back, because their homes won’t get built again. But, in the past 6 months, many things have changed, and they cleaned up a lot of the mess that was made.

Just because the town may look different, doesn’t mean that people have adapted quite yet. And for this man, the trauma still continues and won’t leave until he finds his wife.  The memories that they shared together in the village where they lived will never be swept away, even though their belongings have. And for this man, he wants to see her one last time, maybe for some closure. But the trauma will still continue and they will all need to stay together through this hardship, like how it was before it ever happened.

Luckily none of my family or friends lived where this occurrence happened. But for the ones that it hit, I really do wish the best for them. It is a sad time, and will be a hard thing to get through for them, for the chemicals are still in the air. But it is not a time to be pessimistic about this, but to be optimistic and know that things will level out eventually. Maybe not soon, but many are lending their hands to help clean up, and sweep away the bad. And for us, we need to be grateful for what we still have, and be mindful of the ones around us. Once in awhile, just take a break and clear your mind. Don’t think about anything, or stress over anything. Just let your mind go, because we can get so caught up with everything that happens that we don’t appreciate life itself. Don’t let anything get in the way of what you want to do. Just because a tragedy happen every day, doesn’t mean we can’t get through them, like how Japan is dealing with their situation they have now. Our problems may seem like nothing compared to this one, but may mean the world to someone else.

1 comment:

  1. I truly do feel for the people that was effected by the earthquake and tsunami. I think I'ma do my response post to this. I felt that you put a lot of emotion into this post. Thank you for sharing your thoughts.
