Friday, September 9, 2011

[R.E] happily ever after?

In Kelsey McKeon's post, little princess, she leaves the story untold.

The princess was the outcast; no one talked to her because she just was not a normal teenager. While the princess was moping in the corner about what was supposed to be a spectacular night, she was tapped on the shoulder by....
a royal prince. He had never seen this beautiful girl before and she caught his eye. He asked her what was wrong, and she was so shocked that someone noticed her, that she was speechless. So as the night went on, they started to get to know each other, and danced the night away. He wanted to know where she was from, and wondered why he had never seen this amazing girl before. She then spilled out the story of being locked up and not being able to leave her house. He was astonished by this story, and didn't want to believe it at first. But she didn't mind because she was happy to have a good night with him, and realized that she was actually important to the community. As the night was coming to a close, he asked her if she wanted to stay with him. She nodded her head without a doubt, and they ran out across the field, to live their lives together. And it will be a happily ever after.

Now what they did with their lives after that night, well, its up to you to decide. But the princess did end up having a spectacular night like how she wanted it to be, and ended up meeting the most remarkable guy ever. So it comes to show, that life is unexpected, and we never know what is going to come our way. We can make the worst days better, if we just keep on going, and not let the little things bother us. For the princess encountered a incredible man who would change her life forever. But if it weren't for her sticking to getting out and living the life she would, she would have never met the royal prince at all. So we shouldnt be afraid to take risks, and we should expect the unexpected because one day, something magical with happen to you.

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