Thursday, October 20, 2011

[free] one step at a time

A simple thing as a tree can change our point of view on life. We are used to seeing something every day and just think it’s part of our routine. We pass by it all the time so we don’t really take in the time to appreciate that it is there. The Park St. tree is now gone and people are very disappointed about it. But it’s interesting to see how we are all reacting to it. One little thing can change us. And this goes back to my other post. It’s about the little things. The little things are what mean the most to us. It’s what makes or breaks our day. We just don’t always see it like that because we are so used to it. Sometimes we just need that day to take a step back and breathe. To realize how much we have and what we take for granted. What we appreciate but don’t always see. To just take it in and be thankful.

I think that we can sometimes get caught up in everything that is happening that we forget the good. As a senior I know I am stressing over college applications, and for me basketball season is coming up so everything is hectic. When times like these happen I need to take a step back and just relax. Take that moment and enjoy how great my life really is and not look at just the bad and stressful things that are happening in my life right now. We all need some time to ponder and think about our lives, but it doesn’t always have to be negative. Think about how everything has come to be, and how much each thing affects you. Because all of these little things are what makes us up, and we sometimes get too caught up in the stressful things, that we don’t realize that things are going to turn out and everything is going to be alright.

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